TextStat makes text statistics, counts characters, words, sentences, to find words repetitions and how many times they appear in a given text. Estimate the amount of syllables, list the words and the number of times that appear, etc.
The application recognizes any raw text or HTML document. If user needs to work with another format document, it will be necessary to export it to HTML or plain text format and then work with the application.
Before the statistics are initiated, user selects path and file name and whichever the document is: plain text or HTML. For HTML the application will ignore HTML tags.
Then, user defines name and path for the output file, specifying text or HTML format.
Then statistics process begins (it might be a little long for large documents) and the application displays its results on the main window and is saved as selected before.
For text files it is possible to modify the separators (for words and sentences) listed.
User can tell the application not to pay attention to differences between tiny and capital letters, accentuated or not characters, etc. so statistics will get results according to user text prefferences. User can, also, set the way characters are detected: ASCII (DOS) or ANSI modes.
The application searchs for word repetitions so user can turn to a better style writting, very useful for ebooks writers, etc. User can, in addition, define a list of words to be ignored in these repetition searches.
Program calculates the Flesch score, based on syllables per word, words per sentence, etc.